How IBM’s Hyper-Realistic Cyber Tactical Operations Center is Simulating Cyberattacks
Information technology giant IBM has a novel approach to improving an organisation’s response to a cyberattack: a state-of-the-art cyber watch floor located in an 18-wheel truck. Verdict visited the C-TOC to find out how it can help combat cyberattacks
Known as the Cyber Tactical Operations Center, or C-TOC, the facility is currently touring Europe to provide cybersecurity training and education for businesses and students.
The facility, inspired by tactical operations centres used by the military, can also be deployed at large-scale events to bolster cybersecurity defences.
“It’s highly mobile. When it gets on site it expands out to make this entire watch floor,” Caleb Barlow, vice president, IBM Security, XForce Threat Intelligence, told Verdict.
“It’s 23 tonnes of cybersecurity preparedness.”
The C-TOC is also self-powered and connects via its own sterile internet.
Take a look inside the C-TOC and hear Barlow talk more about it in our video below.