Next Issue
In the next issue of Verdict Encrypt, which will be with you in May, we’ll be hearing from Google Jigsaw CEO Jared Cohen on how he proposes we prevent the world’s major nations from engaging in a cyber war that threatens to engulf the globe.

Given that our next issue will be out in the same month that new GDPR rules come into force, it would be remiss of us not to look at the area, so we’ll find out how much importance CEOs have been and are now placing on data protection.

And finally, we featured his exploits last year, and we liked him so much that we’ve invited the Email Prankster to be part of Verdict Encrypt again in 2018. In our next issue, we’ll hear how the scourge of the negligent elites has turned from poacher to gamekeeper.
Editor | Lucy Ingham
Deputy Editor | Daniel Davies
Writers | Elliot Gardner, Kathryn Weldon
Publishing Assistant | Callum Tyndall
Lead Designer | John Hammond
Graphic Designer | Marzia Del Gaone
Group Editor | Susanne Hauner
Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West
Sales Manager | Antonio Del Guercio
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