Among organisations impacted by GDPR, a significant minority will not be ready by the 25th May deadline, according to a survey of over 600 IT professionals by Spiceworks. UK businesses are the most prepared, with 61% ready in time, but among affected US and EU businesses are lower, at 25% and 46% respectively. Incredibly, a significant minority will not be ready for over a year – 10% in the US, 4% in the UK and 5% in the EU.

Status of Business Preparations for GDPR

For most UK and EU businesses that won’t hit the deadline, the reason is simply a lack of time or resources, suggesting companies are either unwilling or unable to prioritise the legislation. However, many businesses also report GDPR not being a priority, a concerning attitude given the harsh penalties for non-compliance.

Top Reasons Organisations Won’t Be GDPR Compliant by the Deadline


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